Exceltemplates.org – Paying for bill, if you happen to forget one of them you may have earned yourself a trouble. For that reason is why Bill Payment Calendar was made. Remind you when you have bill to pay, that’s what the worksheets in this template do. No more need to mark your calendar on your own so you will be reminded of your bill, this template will get the work done for you. A calendar that will remind you of the bills you need to pay will be made by this template. Print and hang it in the wall if you want a hard copy.
Take a Look at the Template
When you open this template, you will notice that there are 2 worksheets within it. In the first worksheet, you will see the bill payment calendar you want. Here just as any actual calendar, this one will give red mark to dates which get holiday. And of course, the dates when you have bill payment will be marked as well. They will be listed there on the due dates. As for the second worksheet, here is where you put the preference for the holiday and bill payment of yours.
Guidance to Use the Template
1. Go to “Bill Payment and Holidays” worksheet. There, input the data and detail about your bill and holidays includes, type, detail, cost, and when it is due.
2. There is a priority column where you can differentiate your type of bills
a. Recurrence day for bill which due based on day
b. Recurrence date for bill which due based on date
c. Fixed date for bill that get fixed day and date as well as if you got bill that changes every month
3. Once you have done with the second worksheet, switch into the other worksheet. Fill the start date cell in the top left corner of this sheet. Get done with that, and your bill payment calendar is ready for use.
Using Microsoft Excel to simplify your spreadsheet tasks is not as difficult as you think. I learned how to use it in less than 24 hours and rely on internet to find the solution if I got stuck. I am not an Excel expert, but here are all useful spreadsheets I have collected and created.