Commercial Invoice Template – Commercial invoice is one of important document for commercial commodities that need to be delivered to particular places. Usually, it is needed when some companies want to ship them to their clients outside their countries. When you are running an import-export business, you will print and write a lot of this documents.

Commercial Invoice Excel Template

If you are looking for a reference, this simple excel template can be your choice. It contains general information required to be declared for the commodity. This simple form contains information about the commodity, like the brand, quantity, and the price to pay. It also has the date, invoice number, destination address, tax, total gross, transportation fees, and terms of sale. Furthermore, you can add some additional information about the commodity, such as country manufacture, quantity, price per unit, and total amount. This invoice form is very important for you who work in export import business. As you can see in above image, there are plenty of information that are needed to be filled.

Commercial Invoice can give you the complete information about the commodity that you are about to deliver. In addition, you can also write some additional information on it, especially if your custom require more information about your commodities. This commercial invoice template is fully editable. You can modify anything to meet your own business requirement, especially if your commodities require specific information that are needed to be declared to your custom. Some customs are very strict as well. Make sure you follow their guidance on preparing this document.

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