Employee Shift Schedule Template

Exceltemplates.org – Having many employees is fascinating, meaning that your business (is supposed to be) more successful. Nevertheless, it also becomes a challenge to maintain and manage them in a good way. One thing related to the employee which needs to be managed so well is shift schedule; for you who apply such working system. It is considered essential because shifting schedule will not only give one benefits. Particularly for the Human Resource department of the company, it serves more concerning other things about the employee.

Employee Shift Schedule Excel Template

The Advantage of Organizing Employee Shift Schedule

What advantages can be taken from Employee Shift Schedule? These are some of them:
– it helps the HR dept to manage the shift; making sure that there will be no time without any employee coming to work
– it will be an excellent way to plan the upcoming schedule. The plan will also be beneficial for the employee, since they can predict when they should or should not come to work
– it can show how long (in hours or days) certain employee has work
– HR or finance department can use it as one of the considerations to calculate the employee’s salary

Using Employee Shift Schedule Template for Excel

You can download the software for Employee Shift Schedule in the internet and use it directly. Another option is making it yourself.
To create Employee Shift Schedule, you will need Ms. Excel application in your computer. Make tables of weekly or monthly schedule and put some related information, including:
– The shift period each day. For instance, if there are three shifts, you will have to make three columns to be filled by employee names
– The name of employees based on their position
– The duration of each shift period which consists of start and end time
– Total hour, which is the result of deducting end time with start time

Check this template >  Employee Database Management Template

Using Microsoft Excel to simplify your spreadsheet tasks is not as difficult as you think. I learned how to use it in less than 24 hours and rely on internet to find the solution if I got stuck. I am not an Excel expert, but here are all useful spreadsheets I have collected and created.