Issue Log Template – Everyone will have to live by facing problems of life those will pop out from time to time during the lifetime of everyone. In some places such as the job sites or maybe at schools, there are problems those will become troublesome for a lot of people. For example, at schools, teachers will need to keep their students in check every day. However, there are time when students cannot be controlled and do whatever they want to do without asking. Teachers will need to take actions and at the same time to take a record on the students who often cause or involve in problems.

Issue Log Template

The issue log will help teachers in keeping tracks of the students who often caught in the middle of problems those may make their parents and the school teachers feel worry. The log is important in order to keep track on them and make sure that these students may improve their behavior. The issue log may also be used by offices or companies in maintaining the problems they may have during the working hours. The list will also be a report and record that can be viewed from time to time to see the solutions those have been taken and the result achieved.
Issue log is filled with the number of the issue, the description, responsible, reported date, the action that will be taken, the date of the action taken, the due date, priority and the status of issue. The columns will keep the issue under control and the users will know which one will need to be solved first.

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