Exceltemplates.org – For human resource department, staff or other employee recruitment is generally a routine but still, it remains important. Things will get more complicated particularly when it is a mass recruitment; and there are lots of applicants showing off, ready to be chosen. It is not so easy to pick one, two or other small numbers of job applicants for the available positions among the huge number proposed. However, it is still manageable as long as you have the complete and understandable compared details about each applicant. Those things can be made up in a single Application Data Log.
Purpose of Creating Applicant Comparison Log using Microsoft Excel
Application Data Log takes form of a table consisting of several columns and rows which can be as many as the applicant’s number. What should be there, then? Here are some of them:
• First and last name
• Position for which the applicants apply
• Current employer and her/his position (if the applicant is still working)
• Education
• The relevant experience she/he has got previously
• Relevant skills
You can also put the column for recruiter name and note if necessary.
By using Application Data Log, it will be easier to review each of the job applicants, to compare their qualification. For further, it can also be a way to keep the record of those applicants; who knows that in the future, they can be your future staffs.
Making Use of Applicant Data Log Excel Template
Application Data Log can be used during the recruitment process. For example, in an interview; you can hold this log in your hand while making notes about the interviewees. After creating the table in Ms Excel worksheet, you can fill the table with the needed information; either by printing the table and write manually, or type all of them in the computer.
There is a simple employee database template for managing employees that might be useful if you want to record their data in Excel.

Using Microsoft Excel to simplify your spreadsheet tasks is not as difficult as you think. I learned how to use it in less than 24 hours and rely on internet to find the solution if I got stuck. I am not an Excel expert, but here are all useful spreadsheets I have collected and created.