Exceltemplates.org – We work hard every single day in order to secure our life financially. And not only have we to think about our current financial conditions, it is also important to think about our future financial condition when we are retired. Clearly everyone wants a secured life when they are retired. But still we sometimes wonder whether the money that we make right now could suffice our retirement days ahead. That is why you should calculate your retirement budget in advance. And now you can do such thing through a simple means that is Microsoft Excel retirement budget calculator template.
What is Retirement Budget Calculator?
Have you ever wondered how much money you will have once you are retired? If so, you can figure it out using excel template of retirement budget calculator. This excel template will help you to calculate your future finance when you are retired. And you can predict your future budget through the overall financial condition in your current state. In doing so, you can decide whether you need to make more money for your retirement days or not. Not only it is a good way to ensure your financial security in the future, you also get to estimate what you need in the future.
How to use Retirement Budget Calculator Excel Template?
Using retirement budget calculator is quite easy. First, fill out your age details including your current age and the time towards your retirement. Next, estimate various expenses including your mortgage, living, and medical expenses both at current states and at retirement days. Add also the figure of your retirement income source including your social security, pensions, and many others. In the end, you can calculate the overall budget of your retirement days including the annual retirement income you will need and annual income shortfall within the summary columns.
You can also read and download related template, 401K Calculator template.

Using Microsoft Excel to simplify your spreadsheet tasks is not as difficult as you think. I learned how to use it in less than 24 hours and rely on internet to find the solution if I got stuck. I am not an Excel expert, but here are all useful spreadsheets I have collected and created.