Exceltemplates.org – This excel spreadsheet is designed as Stats Tracker of Soccer Team. You can manage to record your own soccer teams and evaluate it based on their match results. It is functional as the tool to record and track the soccer team performance in one spreadsheet. It is also featured by the worksheets of player ad team summary. Besides, there is also a worksheet of team dashboard that visualizes the performance of the team so the evaluation can be done quickly.
This spreadsheet only can be used to evaluate one team. For instance, for a coach or an owner of soccer team, put the entire matches of your team against similar or different opponents and then you can see the summary from the stats put in the stats log. This tool is also functional to know the favorite team after the evaluation. Use the spreadsheet to track the team performance from the most recent 10 – 15 matches.
The Setup Worksheet
Set the whole parameters needed in the worksheet before using the spreadsheet.
- Cell G7 to type the country or team name
- Use cell H7 to replace the filename. Replace by typing the new name.xlsx. It is case sensitive so you should check any dots, extra spaces, etc.
- Use the opponents table to type the name of the opponent team. You can type up to 50 teams in pro version.
- Use the statistic table and the codes when you need to add more statistic names.
And add all of other information needed in the statistics on the spreadsheet of Stats Tracker of Soccer Team.
Team Fixtures Worksheet
You can use this worksheet to choose the name of the opponent, typing the date of the fixture in last 5 matches, choose the type of the respective tournament matches; home, neutral or away. And then type the respective matches’ name of venue.
The Player List Worksheet
In this worksheet, you can type the name of the player, the back number, nationality, position, age, as well as adding some notes and also the name of the coach.
The Match Log Worksheet
Every fixture is mapped in the worksheet of the match log automatically. You can make the information completed within the white border cell for the purposes of statistic calculation.
The Match Header Information
You can type the round number, referee name, set needed extra time, penalty shoots, the name of the coach, playing formation, the coach of the opponent team, and also the formation of the opponent team.
Line Up Area
Use this area to assign the name of the players on the column of starter and substitute, type the position on column O, the specific position could be different in every match, and then type the ratings of the player too in the column Q.
Besides, on the other columns, you also can find the statistic area, penalty shoot out area, as well as the bottom statistic area.
The Summary Stats Worksheet
This worksheet of Stats Tracker of Soccer Team can be the place to see the players’ summary that are available in four different stats and a single worksheet for the team. In the player stats summary, you can see the stats summary of every player in all of their matches. No cell to select or input in this worksheet. See the matches’ outcome on the Win Lose Stats, and also the player performance on the rating stats summary.