Exceltemplates.org – A planner book seems old fashion in this smart gadget era. We are now easily plan our daily tasks using app in smartphone or tablet, even completed by alarm so we will not miss our schedule. Nevertheless, some people still feel that printed daily planner is necessity.
They have many reasons for it. For example, they already get used to planner book and feel odd to use planner in gadget or they do not have the gadget (it may unbelievable but even today, some people still don’t have smart gadget). The other reason is to use it as logbook to check their history easily.
Regardless of what the reason is, this planner could be useful for you. Unlike the other planners that made in Words or PDF, this one is made in Excel in order to make it possible to do automatic adjustment with formula. For instance, when you have different working time, standard daily planner may not suit you. With this planner, you can make adjustment in the working time to meet yours. Whether you work at night or in shift, there would be no problem to make your planner.
This daily planner is made up of 3 worksheets: Setup, Daily Words, and Planner.
Setup worksheet is the sheet to set planner time of your preference style. You can choose whether you want the planner to show minutes on the time or only the hour. To set your time planner, you go on the appointment schedule area and check (type “v”) on the column next to “hour and minutes” to show them on the planner. If you want to get rid the hour and minutes from the planner, uncheck it. The default hour is 7 o’clock. You can change it as you wish.
Remain rows cell gives information about the remaining available rows to be checked since there is limit of maximum rows to be shown in the planner. You will also find two tables, one to set holiday dates while the other is to set events of the day for entire year. You can customize the date by removing and adding dates. Do not forget to give appropriate notes to each date.
Daily words worksheet is a sheet to set up daily words to give you inspiration every day. You can type quote from famous people or you made it yourself and it will appear in the planner. There are 365 rows available to type quote for each day of the year. You can make it the same quote for entire year or you can make it different every day.
The last worksheet is planner sheet where the planner layout is. You can write your plan by filling the cells or print the form to be filled in manual way. Make sure you fill the date in the left corner column before you fill and/or print the planner. If you need daily planner for more than one day, you can go to tab menu to copy the sheet and put different date in the “date” cell. Your planner would be ready for you.